July, 2024 Letter
July, 2024
It feels like forever since writing directly to whomever is being so generous as to read it. I’m incredibly grateful that you are here, reading about science. You obviously love to learn. We share this in common. If I taught or teach you at university, if you are a professional colleague or a client, you know one of my biggest values:
Science is a community of unbiased learners, who are exquisitely aware that as one layer of knowledge is mastered, the next presents itself. The desire to learn and mentor is deeply enduring. Expertise feels unachievable against the awe of all there is to know and share. I adore communicating with people like us.
Since 2010, I’ve tested and appraised different ways of communicating about Medical Science, Naturopathy, and Lifestyle Medicine. I love doing this alongside you with lecturing, seminars, authoring and conferences. If we have not met in these spheres, we’ve connected through a bit of science media. I had a great little community of learners on Facebook between 2011-2013, but I closed this in 2014 when my son was born. I shifted to what can only be defined as a “dabble and mooch around” on Instagram since 2017. I have used it very rarely. If you were to look at Rogers’ “Diffusion of Innovation Curve”, I’m a laggard when it comes to social media, yet very much an early adopter or innovator in other areas. To be perfectly truthful with you, I feel unmotivated and flummoxed by anything where attaining depth is difficult, and it’s become more so as the years go by. I’m very fortunate to still have you, a core nucleus of current and past students, professional colleagues, peers and interested, conscientious people I have not met. You all love to learn, and I truly appreciate learning with you.
I want to progress the where and how of learning together, outside of the lectures, seminars, and conferences. Again, if I’m truthful, I want to learn, communicate, teach, and help you in ways that accurately reflect my values of advocating for deeper knowledge. So, I’m now approaching and presenting everything I hope to communicate via an experiment. It’s a newsletter and lecture style publication. I have come up with a name for it, to reflect the below:
“Up, back, above, or throughout.
To break apart a larger particle into smaller pieces. To cause dissolution of structure.
To examine critically. To get to the essence of.
A breaking up. A loosening. Release, to release, to set free”.
I feel very fortunate that life evolves and presents endless opportunities to learn, either through raising families, our careers, our challenges, or discovering new possibilities for meaning and purpose. I care deeply about health, and I worry about the burden of chronic disease that just seems to be getting much worse in the 25 years I’ve worked in medical science and health. Like some of you, I still take on formal study. I’m completing my Masters in Lifestyle Medicine, which will merge into a PhD (when I can narrow my interests enough to choose the topic!)
Thankfully, the mainstream medical profession has arrived to formally acknowledge that nutritional biochemistry, exercise physiology, sleep physiology, biopsychosocial and environmental medicine must ALL be thoroughly taught and correctly prescribed. Each pillar is fundamental to our health trajectory, no matter our walk of life. The equity that underpins Lifestyle Medicine is unique, and I’m grateful to be learning alongside such an innovative, caring, and astute group of health and medical professionals. I’m impatient to share with you everything we are learning while continuing to deepen our understanding of the Medical Sciences and Naturopathy. Those cells, biomolecules, metabolic pathways, phytochemicals, and micronutrients have not gone anywhere! If anything, they are more alluring than ever ;)
I will get there! Working, master’s research, assessments, parenting and trying hard to practice what I preach consume every morsel of the 24-hour day. I am certain you can relate to this. But this has been on my mind for so long, that I appropriated windows of time in the first half of 2024 to get things moving. If you are in any way inclined to keep learning together, please feel included in this experiment with me! You can do that here: https://annaliescorse.com/newsletter
For now, it’s a weekly newsletter where we cover all the things you know me for: medical science, biochemistry, nutritional biochemistry, physiology, pathophysiology, phytochemistry, Lifestyle Medicine and Naturopathy. If there is anything within the Lifestyle Medicine pillars you want to learn about, please send an email: info@annaliescorse.com I would be privileged to share knowledge and learn with you.
Thank you sincerely for making time to read this. I do not take your time for granted.
Be well!
– Annalies
Lecturer | Lifestyle Medicine Professional | Medical Scientist | Naturopath
Fellow (Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine)
Master’s Candidate | College of Medicine and Dentistry | JCU